- The pool is managed by an elected Board of Trustees.
- The Board is elected from among the active membership.
- An elected board member serves a term of three years or until the member is no longer active.
- New members are elected at the January open membership board meeting.
- Normally 1/3 of the board members are replaced yearly.
If you are interested in becoming a Board of Trustee:
- Let your interest be known to the board before September 1st in the year preceding the election.
- The board nominates a Nominating Committee in September and will put your name on the list of candidates.
- The Nominating Committee is charged with evaluating the candidates and making recommendation to the board and the membership
- All candidates are put up for a vote at the January meeting.
- If not enough members are up for election at the January Meeting, members at the meeting may be added to the ballot list.
It is strongly recommended that individuals seeking election to the board attend board meetings, and become a part of the board sub-committees. Through these activities, you will be known to the board and the membership, and be more aware of the board’s roles and responsibilities.
The officers of the club are:
- President
- Vice President of Administration
- Vice President Pool and Grounds
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- and, if deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees, assistant secretary and/or assistant treasurer.
The President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Pool and Grounds, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be elected annually by the Board of Trustees from among its members, and shall hold office until the end of the first meeting of the Board of Trustees following the Annual Meeting of the Club. The assistant secretary and/or assistant treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and shall hold office at its pleasure.
The Board’s other Member at Large Trustee Positions are:
- Membership Chairperson
- Swim Team Liaison
- Social Committee Chairperson
- Pool and Ground Committee
- Special (5-year planning, Etc.)