Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Board Descriptions

Where Hillsborough Families Come to Play Together!

The following is a “job description” of officers and Board positions for the Roycefield Swim Club Board of Trustees. The description is intended to be a guideline of duties and responsibilities to be followed by Board members. It will also act as a description for prospective Board members to better understand the duties.

These job descriptions are not hard and fast rules that must be maintained or used to judge performance; however, they should be used as reminders and aids in performing Board duties. The By-Laws is the governing document that the Board of Trustees must follow.


The major function of the President is to be the administrator of the Club and be responsible for its operation. The President shall also be a coordinator, delegator, and “watch dog” to assure that the business of the Club gets taken care of.

The President:

  1. Presides at the meetings of the Club and of the Board of Trustees.
  2. Schedules board meetings for the month of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November (if needed to prepare for the Annual Meeting), and January (if needed to prepare for the Annual Meeting), as well as the Annual Meeting in January.
  3. Establishes the agenda for meetings and give to Secretary for distribution.
  4. Appoints, subject to the confirmation of the Board of Trustees, all standing and special committees except as otherwise specified in the By-Laws.
  5. Acts as ex-officio member of all committees; and,
  6. Assists board members and Club members in revolving issues and concerns.

Vice President of Administration

The chief function of the Vice President of Administration is to establish and maintain the staff of Roycefield Swim Club.

The Vice President of Administration:

  1. Screens candidates for staff positions;
  2. Establishes a salary guide that provides for increments for returning personnel;
  3. Evaluates the Pool Manager’s performance;
  4. Meets with the Pool Manager to discuss problems concerning the staff and/or the membership;
  5. Provides input to the budget for the new season;
  6. Reports to the Board at monthly meetings items that relate to the staff;
  7. Provides the staff with offer letters with salary quotes and job descriptions;
  8. Contacts the staff during preseason to verify intent to return and/or change in position;
  9. Communicates the wishes of the Board to the staff;
  10. Arbitrates problems between staff and others;
  11. Makes certain that certifications are up-to-date and meet state and township guidelines;
  12. Meets with swim team board and, if necessary, coaches and assess swim team related issues; and,
  13. Assists the Board President with agenda formation, policy concerns, and goal setting.


The Treasurer attends to keeping the accounts of the Club, collecting its revenues, and paying its bills as approved by the Board of Trustees.

The Treasurer:

  1. Maintains the accounts of the Club, including general ledger, bank accounts, and membership bond records;
  2. Collects mail, which may include membership applications, from post office;
  3. Upon receipt of a membership application, reviews for completeness and gives membership chair original copy for appropriate action;
  4. Collects all revenues and deposits funds in the name of the Club in such depository as may be authorized by the Board of Trustees including mailing or emailing of the bills for annual maintenance fees;
  5. Disburses funds from a Board-approved depository as authorized by the Board and as needed to maintain the operation of the Club. At least two officers, Treasurer and President, shall be authorized to sign checks on behalf of the Club;
  6. Files income tax and payroll tax as required by the IRS;
  7. Maintains records in accordance with IRS requirements;
  8. Coordinates with Membership Chair to ensure that the correct members are billed properly for the maintenance fee and membership bond;
  9. Ensures that the membership bond is refunded properly to resigning members;
  10. Keeps on file all letters of resignation;
  11. Monitors expenditures;
  12. Brings to the President and Board of Trustees any abnormal expenses or excessive expenditures out of line with the budget;
  13. Heads the Finance Committee, which shall prepare the annual budget for submission to and approval by the Board of Trustees during the annual meeting.
  14. Prepares budget summary sheet for presentation at the May, July, and September Board meetings and whenever it may be deemed necessary.
  15. Maintains current insurance policies on file and sees that the insurance premiums are promptly paid;

Club member(s) can be appointed to act as Assistant Treasurer to perform duties directed by the Treasurer or Board of Trustees. Treasurer assistance from outside Club membership and/or for a fee must be approved by the Board of Trustees.


The major responsibilities of the Secretary include taking notes during Board meetings and preparing two newsletters (February and May) annually.

The Secretary:

  1. Prepares board meeting minutes in an understandable format and reads at the next Board meeting for approval;
  2. Sends reminders one week prior to each Board meeting telling date, time, place, and agenda decided upon between President and Secretary;
  3. Keeps a running list of all motions approved by the Board so they can be put into action;
  4. Arranges for a meeting place for the Annual Meeting;
  5. Does the personal niceties concerning Board members such as thank you notes or cards for special events; and,
  6. Put together two newsletters (February and May) made up of reports from Board Officers and Committees for the membership and emails the newsletter to current Club members.

Vice President of Pool and Grounds

The Vice President of Pool and Grounds:

  1. Attends to the operation and maintenance of the pool hardware, bathhouse, and properties of the Club.

Chairs of the Pool and Grounds Committee, and schedules, supervises, or appoints responsible person to the duties of the Pool and Grounds Committee. Committee duties include:

    • Pre-season lawn and grounds preparation.
    • Pre-cleanup day work.
    • Cleanup day to prepare pool and grounds for summer season.
    • Closing day duties.
    • Start and stop garbage collection, phone service, and electric/cable service.
    • Schedule propane tank filling.
    • Complete improvement projects as directed by the Board of Trustees.
  1. Schedules and coordinates work days, and keeps record of members who work off work bond and submits to Treasurer;
  2. Meets with Pool and Grounds Committee as required.
  3. Responds to emergency repairs in a timely manner; and,
  4. Prepare annual budget in November.

Vice President of Swim Team

The Vice President of Swim Team:

  1. Attends all Roycefield Board meetings, votes and tells Board about Booster Club and swim team, also tells about Board meetings to Booster Club members.
  2. Works in conjunction with the Vice President of Administration and is responsible for assisting with the hiring of Coaches/ swim team personnel.
  3. Coordinates any newsletter information from the Booster Club Chair and swim team coaches.
  4. Attends all league meetings, keeping addresses, phone numbers, and names of the other teams’ representatives, makes self known to these representatives at meets.
  5. Posts season’s schedule, championship and conference dates. Also posts dates and locations of all official training classes, encourages membership to attend sessions. Provides these schedules and dates to the Booster Club Chair as soon as possible.
  6. Submits all schedules and dates for new parents’ brochure.
  7. Posts all directions to away meets at least two days in advance and make copies available to team parents. Whenever possible, include these directions in the parents’ brochure.
  8. Makes certain that the roster of team names and ages are sent to the League Secretary, and checks also to make sure that a copy of our insurance is sent in.
  9. Keeps a record on file of all correspondence, schedules, names, phone numbers, and information relating to the swim team operation.
  10. Makes sure that all special meets are posted and helps coordinate them with the Booster Club Chair and the coaches.
  11. Acts as the liaison between swim team and the coaches, dealing with complaints, suggestions, and practices.
  12. Attends Booster Club meetings and is an active member of the Booster Club, selecting a job from the job list like other Booster Club members.
  13. Makes up and distributes a job list for meets, in coordination with the Booster Club Chair and swim team application form information.
  14. Greets people at meets and checks to see that workers are present, placing trainees in jobs that need back-up, and filling in if there is no one else available.
  15. Becomes certified as an official as a final back-up.
  16. Assists coaches in having all equipment in order, set up, and ready to use (remind coaches to bring stopwatches to away meets).
  17. Makes sure that coaches send official meet sheet after each meet.
  18. Functions as one of the Meet Directors for the Invitational Meet.
  19. Assists at the swim team party and helps in the presentations.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair, is in charge of applications, waiting list, new members, and the membership list.

The Membership Chair:

  1. Updates the membership application each year as needed;
  2. Distributes the application upon request;
  3. Refers prospective members to the website;
  4. Upon receipt of an application from treasurer, reviews for completeness;
  5. With regard to the waiting list, the Chair shall:
    • Accepts and processes member resignations;
    • Offers and processes new memberships;
    • Works together with Treasurer to collect fees and bond monies; and,
    • Maintains accurate records of people on the waiting list;
  6. Sees that an accurate “List of Membership” is maintained.
  7. Prepares mailing labels for all members for the newsletter and other mailings;
  8. Appoints, if appropriate, up to three, Club members, outside of the Board of Trustees, to constitute, the Membership Committee; and,
  9. Maintains accurate files, including current applications and records of declined applications.

Social Program Chair

The major job of the Social Program Chair is to organize or get a volunteer to organize social activities, including the major club parties, teen nights, family nights, and adult socials. The Social Program Chair should also attend regular Board meetings. If assigned by the VP of Administration, the Social Committee may be responsible for the hiring of Junior Activities Coordinators and manages their work on game and craft days, including and purchasing of materials.

  1. Mail pickup – Regular mail pickup at the post office must be assigned to one person. That person is responsible for picking up the mail at least once a week and promptly distributing it to the proper Board member. A second post office box key must be assigned to a second person to act as a back-up when the regular person is not available.
  2. Nominating Committee – In order to obtain candidates for available positions on the Board, a nominating committee may be required. This committee should follow the guidelines established in Article IX of the By-Laws.